Providing better immunity against infectious diseases

28 September 2022

Written by:

Iskra Reic

Executive Vice President, Vaccines and Immune Therapies, AstraZeneca

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, 在过去的几年里,“免疫”和“保护”等术语在澳门葡京赌博游戏的日常生活中无处不在. We have become much more aware of what tomorrow could bring, 对预防和保护传染病具有新的意义.

大流行也大大加快了疫苗和疾病预防背后的科学发展, and it has been a privilege for us to play a leading role in this. Now, by following this science and working together, 澳门葡京赌博游戏必须继续改变澳门葡京赌博游戏保护人民——特别是社会中最弱势群体——免受传染病侵害的方式.

在9月的ISIRV OPTIONS/International RSV Symposium大会上, and then during IDWeek in October, 澳门葡京赌博游戏将有机会反思澳门葡京赌博游戏已经取得的进展,以及澳门葡京赌博游戏为保护全世界数百万人免受COVID-19等疾病的侵害所做出的持续承诺, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

The global burden of infectious diseases
This task is critical, as the burden of these diseases is high, and can often disproportionately affect children. 例如,全球每年大约有10亿例流感病例,1 and the disease burden is highest in children, with 20-30% being infected every year, compared to 5-10% of adults.2,3

同样,呼吸道合胞病毒是一种常见的呼吸道病毒,90%的儿童在两岁之前都会感染.4,5 Although RSV usually produces mild, cold-like symptoms, 在更严重的情况下,它可以发展为下呼吸道感染, such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia.6,7,8

In some babies, 特别是那些早产或两岁或两岁以下有心脏或肺部疾病的人, there is a higher risk of these severe infections developing, with life-threatening consequences.9,10 但事实是,任何婴儿——无论是足月出生的还是早产的, 或有其他健康问题-可以在他们的第一个呼吸道合胞病毒季节住院, and many hospitalisations occur in infants who are considered healthy.11,12

事实上,仅仅在这些疾病发作时进行治疗是不够的, for some conditions like RSV, there is no specific treatment. Instead, we have to protect against them in the first place. Prevention is critical, 特别是在一个卫生系统中,在现有相当大的传染病负担之上,大流行的额外压力已经使卫生系统承受了巨大的压力.

Advancing disease prevention

这种专门知识是澳门葡京赌博游戏正在采取的补充办法的基础, 优化疫苗和抗体的潜力,以提供持久的免疫, and building on our legacy of being first to innovate in this space. 这使澳门葡京赌博游戏能够成功地帮助应对这一流行病, 它将继续在为流感和呼吸道合胞病毒提供更大保护方面发挥不可或缺的作用, where there is a similar need for action as well.

For example, in influenza, 为大约1至6岁的70%儿童接种疫苗有助于减少流感的社区传播, and also provide indirect protection to others by reducing the spread.13,14

像英国这样的儿童疫苗接种项目已经证明了这种方法的可行性和影响, and we are providing paediatric vaccines to countries like the UK, Ireland and Finland to support in these efforts to extend protection.15,16,17,18

In RSV, meanwhile, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在努力建立澳门葡京赌博游戏长期以来的传统,并帮助改善未来对婴儿的疾病预防,而不仅仅是对那些高风险的婴儿, but for all infants who could contract RSV.

Tackling global health and treatment inequalities
虽然澳门葡京赌博游戏不知道下一次大流行什么时候会出现,也不知道会是什么样子, 澳门葡京赌博游戏承诺在处理当前和未来的大流行病和地方病方面发挥核心作用.

2019冠状病毒病大流行考验了澳门葡京赌博游戏的卫生系统的极限,但通过开创性的合作, local partnerships, commercial initiatives and advanced manufacturing, we are helping to ensure they are resilient to potential future shocks. 

澳门葡京赌博游戏希望使更好的疾病预防和疫苗成为这一大流行病的持久遗产, helping to protect people around the world from infectious diseases.

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1. World Health Organization. Global influenza strategy 2019-2030. Accessed September 2022.

2. World Health Organization. Influenza. /团队/ health-product-policy-and-standards /标准和规范/ vaccines-quality /流感. Accessed September 2022.

3. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Factsheet about seasonal influenza. Accessed September 2022.

4. Glezen WP et al. Am J Dis Child. 1986;140(6):543-5463.

5. Collins et al. Journal of Virology. 2008:2040–2055.

6. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed May 2022.

7. Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV): Infants and Young Children. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed September 2022.

8. Leader S, Kohlhase K. 呼吸道合胞病毒编码的儿科住院情况,1997至1999年. The pediatric infectious disease journal. 2002;21(7):629-32.

9. Piedimonte G, Perez MK. Respiratory syncytial virus infection and bronchiolitis. Pediatr Rev. 2014;35(12):519-530. doi:10.1542/pir.35-12-519.

10. Goldstein M, Phillips R, DeVincenzo JP, et al. 全国围产期协会2018呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)预防临床实践指南:循证跨学科合作. Neonatology Today. 2017;12:1-27.

11. Rha B et al. 2015-2016年幼儿呼吸道合胞病毒相关住院. pediatric. 2020;146(1):e20193611.

12. Arriola CS, Kim L, Langley G, Anderson EJ, Openo K, Martin AM, et al. Estimated Burden of Community-Onset Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Associated Hospitalizations Among Children Aged <2 Years in the United States, 2014-15. Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society. 2020;9(5):587-95.

13. LonginiI M, Halloran ME, Nizam A, et al. Estimation of the efficacy of live, attenuated influenza vaccine from a two-year, multi-center vaccine trial: implications for influenza epidemic control. Vaccine. 2000;18:1902-1909.

14. Baguelin M, Flasche S, Camacho A, et al. 评估流感疫苗接种规划的最佳目标人群:证据综合和模型研究. PLoSMed. 2013;10:e1001527.

15. Kassianos G, MacDonald P, Aloysius I, Reynolds A. 联合王国儿童流感国家疫苗接种方案的实施:对六个流感季节的临床影响和经验教训的审查. Vaccine. 2020;38:5747-5758.

16. National Health Service (NHS). Children’s flu vaccine. NHS website. Accessed September 2022

17. Health Service Executive (HSE). Children’s flu vaccine.HSE website. Accessed September 2022

18. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. Nasal spray influenza vaccine for children. / en / web / infectious-diseases-and-vaccinations / vaccines-a-to-z /流感疫苗/ nasal-spray-influenza-vaccine-for-children. Accessed September 2022.

Veeva ID: Z4-49793
Date of preparation: October 2022


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