
Written by:

Dr Bonnie Cheuk

Global Capability Lead – Digital, Data, AI and
Learning Agility, AstraZeneca

Marc Howells

Vice President, Talent & Development,

通过优先考虑员工的学习和发展,澳门葡京赌博游戏始终走在创新的前沿&D) journeys and creating opportunities where we can all learn, adapt and grow in the face of new challenges and technologies. Discover more from Dr. Bonnie Cheuk, Global Capability Lead – Digital, Data and Learning Agility, and Marc Howells, Vice President, Talent & Development, about our journey to be more agile with digital and data insights, 以及在人工智能(AI)时代,澳门葡京赌博游戏正在做些什么来提高劳动力的技能,. 

人工智能在澳门葡京赌博游戏生活各个方面的普及程度每天都在增长. From creativity to productivity, 人工智能为澳门葡京赌博游戏提供了无限的机会来提高效率,简化澳门葡京赌博游戏的工作方式. Rather than replacing the need for humans, 这些技术与澳门葡京赌博游戏的团队一起增强人类的智能, transform and simplify our ways of working, and help drive innovation across our organisation. 

Now generative AI technologies have become widely accessible, 澳门葡京赌博游戏希望通过一系列旨在提高员工意识和准备程度的活动来提高员工的技能, 所以他们觉得自己有能力使用新兴的生成式人工智能工具,并有信心以负责任的方式试验生成式人工智能. 作为首批发布人工智能和数据伦理原则的制药公司之一, 澳门葡京赌博游戏致力于建立一个持续学习的环境,在这里人们可以增强他们的数字能力.

As the world becomes increasingly more integrated with technology, so too have our learning practices. 技术赋予人们自主选择学习方式的权利,并使个人能够以最适合自己的方式和速度接触材料. 如今,人们对个性化学习体验的需求不断增加,这种体验可以通过用户友好和方便的技术获得, anytime and anywhere. 澳门葡京赌博游戏的全球学习平台提供12种语言的数字和人工智能学习内容途径, creating a digital community of learners across our company. 

The generative AI accreditation programme 

Leaders from across IT, HR, AI governance, 商业和企业沟通部门与内部和外部专家合作,创建了一个项目,重点关注澳门葡京赌博游戏如何在日常工作中使用生成式人工智能,并有意地与人工智能建立关系.

澳门葡京赌博游戏的生成式人工智能认证计划是一个自我指导的培训课程,旨在提高澳门葡京赌博游戏员工使用生成式人工智能工具的技能, through practical, peer-to-peer activities to enhance the learning process. 向全球所有员工开放(非AI/数据科学专家), no matter their experience or comfort level with the technology, 它旨在提高人们对道德和负责任地使用生成式人工智能工具的信心, 以及培养在人工智能时代茁壮成长所需的人类技能,以便澳门葡京赌博游戏更好地为未来做好准备.  

We ask participants to undertake a range of learning experiences; from keynote seminars and lab sessions to reflection activities and strategic thinking workshops, everyone is invited to take an active role in their learning. It’s about encouraging our people to be curious, to think critically, ask questions, speak up, and use the tools in an informed and ethical way. 

The data and insights gained from questions, 评论和反思活动塑造了该方案的未来,使其不断发展. Currently, there’s over 3,300 people in the cohort, with over 2,000 joining online forums, and more than 1,000名员工参加每个现场会议,展示了澳门葡京赌博游戏的好奇心和终身学习的文化, 以及理解生成式人工智能技术的大众吸引力,无论你的工作角色或地点如何. 超过90%的参与者表示,学习与他们的工作相关,并提高了他们的工作绩效.

The connection to our wider L&D philosophy 

According to Marc Howells, one of the sponsors of the programme, 它的结构体现了澳门葡京赌博游戏对包容性学习实践的承诺,使澳门葡京赌博游戏的员工能够以自己的方式学习,并帮助实现学习数字化, data and AI part of a lifelong learning habit.

澳门葡京赌博游戏对之前的知识或经验不做任何假设,并邀请每个人一起学习, at their own pace, 因此,澳门葡京赌博游戏可以创建一个高影响力的项目,并保持一个心理安全的学习环境,让每个人都能一起思考, experiment together and learn together.

Our journey began five years ago, when we started to build digital skills, adapting to more collaborative and agile ways of working, evolving from ‘doing digital’ to ‘being digital’. Over the years, we have created resources that increased awareness, 赋予澳门葡京赌博游戏的人民力量,使他们能够在不断变化的世界中茁壮成长.  And now, the generative AI programme is not just about mastering new tools, 这是关于在公司内部培养一种好奇心和终身学习的心态. By encouraging our people to explore the possibilities, 澳门葡京赌博游戏不仅提高澳门葡京赌博游戏的数字能力,而且支持澳门葡京赌博游戏的创新动力. Staying true to our Values, 澳门葡京赌博游戏认识到,好奇心是推动澳门葡京赌博游戏突破科学界限的动力之一.”

By upskilling our employees in generative AI, 澳门葡京赌博游戏使澳门葡京赌博游戏的员工能够做出明智的与人工智能相关的商业决策,同时澳门葡京赌博游戏加速创新科学和向患者提供改变生活的药物. 

Note: In addition to this programme, 澳门葡京赌博游戏为人工智能和数据科学专家提供一系列学习课程, 并支持有志于获得更深入人工智能专业知识的同事.